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Thursday, October 1, 2009
Enjoy yourselves when browsing through my blog!!! XD

Hui Ling

wished apon a star @ 10:25 PM

My ProfileY

Name:Hui Ling
I am in the Bendemeer Primary School Concert Band . I am playing the cornet=D
I have some rules that you have to follow
[x]No Spamming
[x]No Vulgarities
[x]PLease be polite
My WishY

What you want.
~ To get good results EVERY year
~ To pass all my piano exams
~ To be loved by everyone


ShoutMix chat widget


Fang Wen Celine Sheryl Eng Xin Jia En Celina Ruth Amelia Adeline


April 2009
June 2009
October 2009


Music code here.