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Thursday, October 1, 2009
Enjoy yourselves when browsing through my blog!!! XD

Hui Ling

wished apon a star @ 10:25 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Slave of the Sea
The distant sound of breakers on the beach, the scurrying dance of the seagulls' small feet, the rhythmic, graceful dolphins swim in, my ears perk up as their love song begins.
The fragrance of life with the wind whispers by, the moonlight reflects each star in the sky, the salt and sand shake hands in the night, my eyes light up at this wonder in sight.
The fish busy searching a late evening snack, the elusive crab with his home on his back, the shells marching in like an Easter parade, my thoughts drift out with each splash of a wave, the beauty of nature flows deep in my veins, the power of God sifting joy in my brain, this visible mystery is calling to me, my senses become a slave of the sea!
Hope you enjoy the poem!! :D
Posted By,
Hui Ling

wished apon a star @ 1:10 AM
Friday, June 5, 2009
You are my best friend,my very best friend,you make me happy,everyday,you share your great snacks,you share your best toys,so please don't take my best friend away.

My Best Friend today I found a friend,who knew everything I felt.She knew my every weakness,and the problems I've been dealt.
She understood my wonders,and listened to my dreams.She listened to how I felt about life and love,and knew what it all means.
Not once did she interrupt me,or tell me I was wrong.She understood what I was going through,and promised she'd stay long
I reached out to this friend to show her that i care to pull her close and let her know how much I need her there
I went to hold her hand to pull her a bit nearer and realized that this perfect friend I found was nothing but my mirror.
To all my dearest friends. :D
Enjoy the poem,haha....
Posted by,
Hui Ling that's me

wished apon a star @ 11:55 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Hello! Sorry never post long time......... Holidays have finally come, and I am the little ones who are very exited becoz can do anything I like. Do some art and crafts, playing rollerskate and some more.... but NO playing computer! [Coz no enternet wad] Hahah......Holidays are ment for me............ and also others.

Just in time for dinner, GTG Bye Bye.... C U next time

Anyway, my blog got improved Right???(to all)

Posted By

Hui Ling thats me :D

wished apon a star @ 2:07 AM
Monday, April 13, 2009
RI maths com. was sooooooo tough. You know........... I only got 44.7% out of 100%. Not funny, the funniest thing is that SufYAn got CREDit in his com. Yi Tat suspect he use calculator in his bag.................................
I thing he is ......JEAloUs coz he is sooo called the cleverest in our class (for maths) and Ms Hon said that he did not do well in that com. so he maybe Jealous lorh. GTG bb XD

wished apon a star @ 2:34 AM
Monday, April 6, 2009
Hello! I wish that you enjoy browsing through my blog. You may speak in the Shouting Box too! GTG byebye =D

wished apon a star @ 2:06 AM

My ProfileY

Name:Hui Ling
I am in the Bendemeer Primary School Concert Band . I am playing the cornet=D
I have some rules that you have to follow
[x]No Spamming
[x]No Vulgarities
[x]PLease be polite
My WishY

What you want.
~ To get good results EVERY year
~ To pass all my piano exams
~ To be loved by everyone


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Fang Wen Celine Sheryl Eng Xin Jia En Celina Ruth Amelia Adeline


April 2009
June 2009
October 2009


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